Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 0
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 1
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 2
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 3
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 4
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 5
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 6
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 7
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 8
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 9
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 10
Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré - Image 11
Retail as a service

Beautiful boutique in the heart of the marché Saint Honoré

Frankrike, Paris


Finns med design, möbler och inredning
Från 1 dag
Flexibel bokningstid för denna lokal
50 m2
Medelstor lokal för detta område
Typisk butiksdesign för detta område

Om denna lokalen

The store benefits from a beautiful luminosity thanks to its large window. The mirror along the left wall reflects the natural light and gives a feeling of volume.

The parquet floor gives an additional charm, ideal to create an atmosphere between modern and old. With a surface area of 50 m² (40+10), the long space can be divided into two parts and adapted to the creation of a workshop or meeting area.


Måndag - Fredag


  • Belysning
  • Delad besittning
  • Välplacerade uttag
  • Lagerrum
  • Skyltfönster
  • Personaltoalett
  • Uppvärmning

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