Nacka Forum - Brand Experiential Spaces
Sverige, NackaHöjdpunkter
7 352 Besökare/dag
Mycket daglig trafik i detta områdeInflyttningsklar
Finns med design, möbler och inredningFrån 3 dagar
Flexibel bokningstid för denna lokal12 m2
Medelstor lokal för detta områdeButik
Typisk butiksdesign för detta områdeOm denna lokalen
Nacka Forum is located in the eastern part of Stockholm, nestled between the city
centre and the archipelago. Nacka Forum provides a large selection of retailers, with
both international and iconic Scandinavian brands. The shopping centre provides
extensive services and several food options with a hypermarket and restaurants.
Footfall 6 Mn visitors per year and 143 stores.
We offer dedicated brand experience aisle spaces in high footfall location for 3 days and weekly rental. Please contact us for more information on prices on spaces. Seasonal pricing applies.
Option A: 20 sqm (The Atrium Location) - In the heart of Nacka Forum you find the Atrium location. Strategically located in the centre of the mall surrounded by popular shops and cafes providing maximum traffic and visibility.
Option B: 12 sqm (The Beauty Spot) - Close to the heart of Nacka Forum the Atrium this location is situated in a high traffic area for great visibility. Location is situated between the popular shops Kicks and Rituals and highly visited cafes.
Option C: 6 sqm (The Sampling Spot) - A smaller location, perfect for a sampling activity or smaller activation. The location is close to the Atrium, situated in a high traffic area outside Stadium.
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