Sickla Centrum - Postal Pickup 'Leveriet'
Sverige, NackaHöjdpunkter
10 211 Besökare/dag
Mycket daglig trafik i detta områdeInflyttningsklar
Finns med design, möbler och inredningFrån 14 dagar
Flexibel bokningstid för denna lokal100 m2
Medelstor lokal för detta områdeButik
Typisk butiksdesign för detta områdeOm denna lokalen
A unique chance to both brand the entry and a section of the busy package pickup area of Sickla Centrum. DHL, Postnord, UPS, DBSchenker and other major postal services use this access point. Leveriet is on a mission to make e-commerce's last steps as fun as the rest of the shopping experience. The space features a large digital screen in a modern elegant designed space. Large windows and the shopping center entrance lead into the space making it visible from the pulse of Sickla Centrum.
Extra Services:
-Extended storage facility for delivery (charge extra)
-Outside event (charge extra)
-Digital back screen
-Dressing room
The Crowd
In Sickla, a completely new district is currently emerging. Nobelberget is built on creativity, sustainability and innovation. In addition to housing, there are already offices, preschools, culture, nature and meeting places. A wide range and good communications mean that more and more people choose to live and work here.
Meet the neighbours
Here you are met by a unique atmosphere and an inspiring mix of old and new. It creates a nice feeling that is difficult to find anywhere else. Offering local amenities, plenty of gyms (including a padel court), health & beauty you can also visit the cinema (Filmstaden).
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Genomsnittlig ålder för besökare
- Belysning
- Delad besittning
- Parkering
- Välplacerade uttag
- Provrum
- Lagerrum
- Skyltfönster
- Personaltoalett
- Badrum
- Butiksdisk
- Uppvärmning
- Kokett